Restorative Healing
Restorative means having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being. Restorative healing can have different meanings to different people as well as different timelines. Restoration can take a lot of time and energy; it can instill hope that one can feel healed or restored from traumas experienced or mental health symptoms that get in the way of living life to its fullest.
Despite the difficult work to start and be on the journey of restorative healing, anyone can lead a restored sense of life or well-being that leads to more fulfillment and achievement. Where one starts depends how far along the journey they may be, or perhaps they may not have even started yet.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) therapy has been beneficial for many to process traumas, anxieties and sometimes physical pain. I can guide folks through the phases of EMDR to restoring or establishing positive beliefs about oneself. Incorporation of other modalities such as Mindfulness, CBT, and Psycho-dynamic can diversify tools one can learn and use with restoration work. I hope to guide anyone on their journey when they are ready to do so.