Trauma can happen to anyone at anytime, as it is when a person experiences an extremely distressful event. There are at least 3 different traumas a person can experience: acute (a single event), chronic (repeated events) and complex (multiple events). Traumas can include war, natural disasters, domestic violence, rapes or assaults, abuse, or witnessing these traumas to another person.
Trauma experiences can manifest in many ways that can be confusing, as triggers may occur when a person doesn’t even know that there was a trigger. A person’s experiences could be, but are not limited to, unprovoked feelings of anger, sadness, fear and insecurities. Also, flashbacks, relationship difficulties and physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea or panic attacks could manifest. Trauma can be stored in our bodies and/or in our brains. Trauma memories can be stored in a sensory aspect in the brain so that a sight sound, smell, taste, or touch can trigger a trauma response.
Many people can feel hopeless, or what I sometimes refer to as “biting leather” to get through triggers. I can offer support through a variety of therapy modalities such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), Mindfulness, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and/or Psycho-dynamic Therapy. Everyone can learn to process and adapt from their traumas so they are no longer victims, but come out as survivors and warriors. I can work to develop a person-centered therapy that is best for you.